Tuesday 3 March 2009

OK - doodacky is technically a colloquial 'placeholder' name.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placeholder_name
for a full list of colloquial placeholders.
My wife grew up in Australia, and we've found it in use there - subliminally that's probably where she picked it up - although I have rarely heard her use it before.
We've also tracked it down to NZ and NW England.
What works for me is that the name has no 'inherent' meaning and has a memorable 'ring' to it. So through familiarity it can be associated to the activity on www.doodacky.com. of which more later......
I explained to my wife that I was building a Social Networking site that was a bit like a cross between.......well, you know the names......, but I didn't have a name for our site. Quoting the various social networking brands helped her get a visual picture of our planned site, but it didn't solve the issue of coming up with a name.
Then of course the usual futile exercise ensued; thousands of failed attempts to come up with a memorable / original name that described what it did, was, or would become. In the end verbalizing potential names was banned to retain sanity in the home.
After a couple of weeks of silence on the subject she inquired if I had found a name, which was answered with yet another silence. To help resolve the impasse she asked,"So tell me again what this doodacky does....!"
Within 5 minutes we owned www.doodacky.com

Sunday 1 March 2009

What's a doodacky?
Good question and hopefully this blog will eventually explain all. It may need some patience and certainly your contribution.
To kick things off here is a quote from "Here comes Everybody", by Clay Shirky: Commenting on participation though Social Networking tools:
"When people care enough, they can come together and accomplish things of a scope and longevity that were previously impossible; they can do things for love."